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Fans of The Man In The High Castle and Minority Report cannot miss this star-filled science fiction ...View More
Throughout the course of this podcast, we've established the idea that there are a lot of exoplanets ...View More
TRAPPIST-1d is a rocky, Earth-like planet, meaning that it is roughly the same size and mass as our ...View More
One of the reasons we've created Exoplanet Radio is that Exoplanets are awesome. The idea that there ...View More
Imagine a planet that is so far away from us that it takes 40 years for its light to reach us. Now i ...View More
jwst has 248000 microshutters that can open and close individually and when used in unison, create a ...View More
Astronomers estimate that there are more free roaming planets in our galaxy than there are planets i ...View More
One of the big questions we are trying to answer in exoplanet astronomy is: Just how common are habi ...View More
The next big milestone in our study of exoplanets is a telescope that can see beyond the limits of o ...View More
A team of astronomers used the James Webb Space Telescope to study the exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 c, which ...View More
Human beings have discovered over five thousand five hundred exoplanets. Over 80 percent of them hav ...View More
Fans of The Man In The High Castle and Minority Report cannot miss this star-filled science fiction ...View More
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